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CA State Assembly District 7 Candidates Porsche Middleton and Josh Hoover // Ballotpedia / CH Sentinel

Josh Hoover claims victory in Assembly District 7 race

Republican incumbent Josh Hoover continues to hold a lead over Citrus Heights City Councilmember Porsche Middleton in the race for California State Assembly District 7, according to the latest voting results released Tuesday…

Candidate photos for School Board candidates // Balletopedia

Election 2024: San Juan Unified School Board results

San Juan Unified School District Board of Education candidate for Trustee Area 4 Nick Bloise is holding steady in the lead with 48 percent of the vote.

Update: Here’s who’s winning in Citrus Heights area races, as of Nov. 8

Votes continue to be counted in various local races affecting Citrus Heights, with the latest results for City Council, school board, water district, state assembly and congressional races posted on Friday…

Middleton for California State Assembly lawn sign.

If Middleton wins Assembly race, what happens to her City Council seat?

With the Nov. 5 election just weeks away, the Citrus Heights City Council could end up seeing more than one new face if current City Councilmember Porsche Middleton is elected to the State Assembly…

Vote, Citrus Heights

Voter Guide: Everything you need to know to vote in Citrus Heights

With ballots being received by residents this week, The Sentinel has compiled a list of resources for Citrus Heights residents related to the 2024 Election, including City Council candidate information, San Juan Unified School District Board of Education..

Election 2024: Where to vote or drop off ballots in Citrus Heights

With vote-by-mail ballots scheduled to be mailed on Oct. 7, The Sentinel has compiled a list of locations where…

Catrayel Wood and his family

Meet Catrayel Wood: Candidate for San Juan Unified School Board, Trustee Area 4

As part of The Sentinel’s 2024 coverage of local elections, we have asked a series of six identical questions to each of the San Juan Unified School District Board of Education candidates for Trustee Area 4…

Current City Council candidates

Citrus Heights City Council candidate forum to be held Oct. 2

The Citrus Heights Sentinel will be hosting a candidate forum for all Citrus Heights City Council candidates on Wednesday, Oct. 2, from 6 to 7 p.m…

Election 2024: Which local races are on the Nov. 5 ballot in Citrus Heights?

With the Nov. 5, 2024, election approaching, The Sentinel has compiled a list of who is running for various local government positions in the Citrus Heights area…

San Juan Unified School District Board of Education Trustee area 4 candidates 2024

Election 2024: Who’s running for San Juan Unified Board of Education?

Following a decision in 2021, the formerly five-member San Juan Unified School District Board of Education expanded its members and created seven distinct trustee areas to make up the district’s governing board. The district has also shifted from…

Head-on crash

Citrus Heights PD cracking down on seat belt violations

The Citrus Heights Police Department has launched an enforcement effort to crack down on drivers and passengers who fail to properly restrain themselves with a seat belt.

Protests: When’s it time to go home?

This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were…