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Citrus Heights council favors hybrid solution for resolving neighbor disputes

The Citrus Heights City Council last week directed city staff to…

Survey: Citrus Heights residents want more action on blight enforcement

New FlashVote survey results released last week show Citrus Heights residents want stronger code enforcement in commercial….

Guest Column: Striking the right balance with sidewalk vendors

By Supervisor Rosario Rodriguez– The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors recently took a big step forward…

Citrus Heights unveils comprehensive plan for economic development

A new Economic Development Work Plan for Citrus Heights was unveiled and adopted Wednesday night, outlining key…

Citrus Heights brewery holds official ribbon cutting

A local nano-brewery held its official grand opening last Friday afternoon…

Macy’s at Sunrise Mall slashing prices ahead of closure

Sales are in full swing at Macy’s at Sunrise Mall, which is expected to close next month…

2025 Citrus Heights Police Log Spotlight: Feb. 6-12

Latest police logs show an overall uptick in incidents, including an increase in suspicious circumstances, vehicle violations and…

Obituary: Cheryl Catherine Grosser (1947-2025)

Cheryl Catherine Grosser of Citrus Heights, California—a beloved mom, grandma, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend—passed away peacefully in the presence of family..

Memory care facility in Citrus Heights faces lawsuit over loan default

A lawsuit has recently been filed against a memory care center in Citrus Heights…

2 occupants, 2 dogs, displaced after Citrus Heights house fire

Two occupants have been displaced by a fire that occurred Saturday morning, according to officials.

Is there a winning formula for revitalizing Sunrise Mall?

The Sunrise Tomorrow Specific Plan aims to “re-imagine” the heart of Citrus Heights by transforming the Sunrise Mall property into a mixed-use development inspired by…

Citrus Heights fabric retailer now listed among national closures

After escaping the first round of closures, a local fabric retailer has been named on the list of 500 store locations to shutter throughout the country following…

Valentine’s Day fundraiser to aid Citrus Heights families in need

Residents craving coffee drinks this Valentine’s Day can help contribute funds to the Sunrise…

Auburn Boulevard eyesore demolished

A boarded-up, abandoned house once visible to thousands of drivers passing by on Auburn Boulevard each day was demolished by…

Auburn Boulevard project: What to expect as construction continues

The Auburn Boulevard Complete Streets project is slated to be completed by fall of 2026, according to Citrus Heights City Manager Ash Feeney…

Citrus Heights to consider mediation service for neighbor disputes

The Citrus Heights City Council on Wednesday will consider two different options regarding implementing mediation services for neighbor-to-neighbor disputes throughout the community…

Civic Minute: What’s going on in Citrus Heights City Hall? (Feb. 12)

The Citrus Heights City Council on Wednesday will be asked to discuss and approve an Economic Development Work Plan, as well as consider options for Mediation Services to help resolve…

New bakery coming to Citrus Heights

A new bakery is coming to Citrus Heights…

2025 Citrus Heights Police Log Spotlight: Jan. 24-Feb. 5

Latest police logs show an increase in vandalism, while showing a decrease in homeless related calls…

Guest Column: An open letter to Citrus Heights Police

My name is Paul Reyes, and I have lived here in Citrus Heights since way before we became a city. It has given me a great place to live and…

Tree uproots, falls amid winds and rain in Citrus Heights

Heavy rainfall and winds moving through the region last week sent at least one tree toppling over and caused wires to come down in Citrus Heights…

Have you seen this mural in Citrus Heights?

A vibrant splash of imagery along a retaining wall greets visitors at the Sunrise Village shopping center near the corner of…

Could this Colorado mall offer hope for Sunrise Mall redevelopment?

In an-online-shopping-centric era where so many malls have become “dead” or “ghost” malls, Sunrise Mall is far from the only mall property that has been considered for major redevelopment. Some…

County approves new sidewalk vendor regs: What’s it mean for Citrus Heights?

Beginning in March, the County of Sacramento will require vendors selling wares on public rights of way…

Sunrise Mall: Developer to seek community input from Neighborhood Areas

Ethan Conrad Properties plans to present his “Sunrise Tomorrow Evolution” amendment proposal to the Sunrise Tomorrow Specific Plan at several upcoming…