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Letters to the Editor

Citrus Heights Letters: Fines for setting out waste early?

The latest letters to the Editor from Sentinel readers are in response to a recent report by The Sentinel on the decision by the City Council to penalize residents for setting out bulk items outside of 48 hours prior…

Sunrise Mall

Citrus Heights Letters to the Editor: Sunrise Mall, feeding the homeless

Latest letters to the editor from Sentinel readers discuss meals served to the homeless, and indoor shopping and dining…

roadwork ahead sign

LETTER: Daytime roadwork in Citrus Heights is a drag

By Mark Mitchell, Citrus Heights– I realize that the City/County are trying to get in as much road construction as possible before the rains come. Here’s my issue regarding this..

Sunrise Mall

Letters to the Editor: Measure P, Sunrise Mall, more fast food?

The latest letters to the Editor from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers discuss the Sunrise Mall and the newly proposed amendment to the Sunrise Tomorrow plan…

Citrus Heights Letters: Sleeping in cars, neighborhood areas

The latest letters from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers include comments regarding recent updates to the illegal camping ordinances and neighborhood associations Area 2 and 6 combining…

Mayor Bret Daniels 2024

LETTER: A public ‘thank you’ to Bret Daniels

By Lynn Avery, Citrus Heights— My husband (now deceased) and I moved here in 1990– (34) years ago. We have (had) been very active in local politics…

Letter: Do we really need a nearly billion-dollar school bond?

By Mark S. Mitchell, Citrus Heights– I see that San Juan Unified School District’s “Board of Education” voted unanimously to put another Bond Measure on the ballot. It’s only $950,000,000, which sounds better than one Billion dollars…

Letters to the Editor: Cannabis, Starbucks, Homelessness

Latest letters from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers include comments regarding a cannabis grant fund, another proposed new Starbucks, and the City Manager’s response to a Supreme Court ruling on camping…

LETTER: Dumping possessions of homeless people is not the solution

Letter to the Editor: submitted by Margaret Anne Cleek

Letters to the Editor: Fireworks, preschool closure, creek trail

Latest letters from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers include comments regarding fireworks, Arcade Cripple Creek trail, and closure of Citrus Heights Preschool…

Citrus Heights Preschool closed

Letters to the Editor: city sidewalks, Citrus Heights Preschool, homeless camps

The latest letters from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers include comments regarding city sidewalks, Citrus Heights Preschool, and homelessness encampments…

Corner of the Sunrise Mall parking lot

Citrus Heights Letters: City roads, future hotel parking, feral cats

The latest letters from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers include varying opinions regarding city roads, future hotel parking concerns, and feral cats…