By Sara Beth Williams–
The restrooms on the east side of Rusch Community Park could be closed for several months, according to the Sunrise Recreation and Park District.
As of Wednesday, Feb. 21, a sign posted on the restroom facilities across from the Rusch Park Community Center state that the restrooms are closed until further notice. Currently, a portable toilet stands in the parking lot in front of the restroom building.
The closure is due to a pair of sewer ejector discharge pumps which are no longer operational, according to an email from Wayne Edmundson, superintendent of Parks and Facilities at Sunrise Recreation and Park District.
“This is not the first time such a failure has occurred, and in fact it has failed multiple times in past years due to the pumps being damaged,” Edmundson said, adding that the restroom building has been a frequent target of vandalism, and in the past few years the park district has spent “a small fortune” trying to keep the facility operational. The pumps become damaged when large materials and solid objects are flushed down the system.
Except for restrooms specifically used inside the gated pool area, there is only one public restroom facility on the east side of the park, where a basketball court, two playgrounds, and a covered picnic area are located.
Citing recurring problems in the past, Edmundson said the park district is now looking into a more “pragmatic” long-term approach. The district recently contracted with an engineering firm to conduct a full system analysis, which found the system needs an upgraded power supply, and the pumps themselves will need to be replaced and upgraded to higher horsepower and capabilities, according to Edmundson.
SRPD plans to launch a request for proposals this month, in hopes of finding a contractor to perform the needed repairs. The deadline for submitting bids will be April 5, and Edmundson said the district anticipates awarding the bid during the park district’s April board meeting.
Once approved, an estimation of how long the project will take to complete was not immediately available.
By Sara Beth Williams--
The restrooms on the east side of Rusch Community Park could be closed for several months...
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