Letter submitted by Jeannie Bruins, vice mayor of Citrus Heights–
On Jan. 10, 2018, on the Community Forum page, the Citrus Heights Sentinel included a guest opinion piece from David Warren titled ‘Citrus Heights lacks safe disposal spots for unused drugs.’
In the article, Mr. Warren writes, “The City Council purchased a significant number of ‘secured’ pill bottles for distribution to residents in an effort to reduce substance abuse.” I don’t know how Mr. Warren came to believe that because it is not true.
See original article by David Warren: Guest Opinion: Citrus Heights lacks safe disposal spots for unused drugs
Councilman Bret Daniels, who is the councilman Mr. Warren references as running for sheriff (which is true), brought the concept of secured pill bottle tops to the council during his council comments at a city council meeting. Councilman Jeff Slowey (who was mayor at the time) responded that it should be an agendized item at a future council meeting for discussion. Councilman Daniels had also approached Supervisor Sue Frost with the project and she provided $6,000 in funding to pay for the secure pill bottle tops. The City Council did not purchase any tops. Councilman Daniels purchased them with the funds he received from Supervisor Frost.
This response does not address the worthiness, or lack thereof, of this purchase, but is just offered to set the record straight that the City Council did not purchase the secured pill bottle tops.
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