By Sara Beth Williams–
The City of Citrus Heights last month announced the return of a Meals on Wheels program to local seniors, with lunches now served three days a week.
Sunrise Recreation and Park District board members approved a one-year contract for Meals on Wheels in December 2023, according to the news release. The program will run through Crosswoods Community Center next to Crosswoods Community Park.
The program is made possible through a partnership with the park district and funded through the city’s Community Support Funds and the 2024 Community Development Block Grant, the release said. Agency on Aging Area 4 provided additional funding for the program.
Meals on Wheels began serving lunches to seniors on March 5 according to the parks district’s website. Meals are served Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings beginning at 11:30 a.m. at Crosswoods Community Center, located at 6742 Auburn Blvd. in Citrus Heights.
The program serves 20 meals daily and up to 60 per week, according to the city. Meals are planned by registered dietitians and delivered by staff and volunteers who are also trained to provide monthly nutrition information.
Previous Sentinel reports indicate that Meals on Wheels by ACC was formed in 2010 in response to county budget cuts, which resulted in discontinuing its senior meals program. Meals on Wheels replaced the county-run program and served thousands of seniors per day before it was shuttered in 2020, according to its website.
“Our community’s seniors are a prime example of our City’s tagline—Solid Roots, New Growth,” Mayor Bret Daniels said in the city’s news release, adding that the City Council strongly supports the program and is proud to partner with the local parks district.
“Creating a space for seniors to come and enjoy a hot meal with others is crucial to addressing social, emotional, and nutritional needs,” Sunrise Recreation and Parks District Administrator Kevin Huntzinger said, adding that the district is proud to provide a space where seniors can connect. Huntzinger hopes that, by partnering with the city, the district can “prevent isolation and promote health” in the community.
By Sara Beth Williams--
The City of Citrus Heights last month announced the return of a Meals on Wheels program to local seniors, with lunches now served three days a week...
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