Note: This letter is in response to The Sentinel’s Aug. 3 article, Voters to see $950M bond measure for SJUSD on November ballot
By Mark S. Mitchell, Citrus Heights–
I see that San Juan Unified School District’s “Board of Education” voted unanimously to put another Bond Measure on the ballot. It’s only $950,000,000, which sounds better than one Billion dollars.
What they need to vote on is school choice, because what they’re teaching kids today isn’t “Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic”! What they need to teach students today is to “LOVE AMERICA,” not HATE it.
Start teaching these “kids” that no matter what nationality you are, or what your skin color is, we are all created equal. Teach them that they can be whatever they want to be, but you have to put the effort in!
This probably won’t happen, but the BOND measure will likely pass by a slight margin, and that’ll burden homeowners once again for another 30 years, or however long it takes to pay off another BOND!
I’m curious, didn’t the schools get COVID money? And while schools were closed what work was being done? I know for a fact that Skycrest school in Citrus Heights just finished putting new A/C units on the roofs of most if not all of the classrooms. Are they still spending COVID money? Who knows? I just hope they checked the roofs before starting this project.
I know what you’re thinking, “it’s for the kids.” And trust me I want what’s best for them too, I just don’t believe that the money we spend, and keep on spending more of, is money well spent. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, “it’s easy to spend other people’s money,” just look at the circus going on in Washington DC.
Editor’s note: Our policy is to publish every letter that is received, as written, as long as it is a minimum of 100 words in length and addresses a local news story published by The Sentinel in the past 60 days. Submit a letter to the editor or opinion column for publication: Click here.
By Mark S. Mitchell, Citrus Heights--
I see that San Juan Unified School District’s "Board of Education" voted unanimously to put another Bond Measure on the ballot. It's only $950,000,000, which sounds better than one Billion dollars...
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