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Citrus Heights Motorcycle Competition at Sunrise Mall

Police Hold Statewide Motorcycle Competition at Sunrise Mall

Orange safety cones dotted the parking lot at Sunrise Mall as part of Saturday’s police motorcycle competition and traffic safety fair, which also featured a kids bicycle rodeo, face-painting and bounce-houses.

Antelope Road Lanes Closed Twice from Two Major Injury Accidents

Several lanes on Antelope Road at Sunrise Boulevard were shut down for five hours Monday, after officers responded to a motor scooter injury accident around 3 a.m. – just 12 hours later, Antelope Road lanes were shut down…

IRS sign

CHPD Warns of IRS Phone Scam, Feds Give 5 Ways to Spot Hoax

The Citrus Heights Police Department tweeted a warning this week about an IRS phone scam hitting the Sacramento-area and nation, with IRS officials on Thursday releasing five ways to avoid falling victim to the scam. “There are clear…

Sacramento Sheriff Scott Jones takes Ice Bucket Challenge

Sac Sheriff Challenges Citrus Heights Police Chief for “Ice Bucket” Fundraiser

Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones plunged into the ALS “Ice Bucket Challenge” Sunday, posting a video on Facebook with a challenge to several area police chiefs, including Chief Christopher Boyd of the Citrus Heights Police Department. “Could you…

Sheriff Warns of Sacramento County Phone Scam

Warning of a “sophisticated phone scam” was sent out Thursday by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, alerting county residents of a scammer claiming to be with the Sheriff’s Warrant division, who threatens arrest for an alleged outstanding warrant…

Citrus Heights Police Arrest 3 in Weekend DUI Checkpoint

Citrus Heights police officers netted three arrests during a DUI/Driver’s License Checkpoint at Antelope Road and Lauppe Lane from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m, Friday. A total of 767 vehicles were screened during the six-hour checkpoint, resulting in…

Two Police Officers on Motorcycles with Lights On

DUI Checkpoint Planned in Citrus Heights

Police officers plan to set up a DUI Checkpoint at an undisclosed location this weekend, as part of an effort to reduce the number of alcohol-related accidents and fatalities, according to a press release issued by the Citrus…

CHPD Joins Crackdown on Texting while Driving

“Zero tolerance” is what the Citrus Heights Police Dept. is promising, as it joins a month-long enforcement and education campaign to curb hand-held cellphone use while driving. The campaign is part of April’s nationwide “Distracted Driving Awareness Month,”…

Citrus Heights Police Chief Moves Up

The California Police Chiefs Association will install Citrus Heights Police Chief Christopher Boyd as president of the state-wide organization on February 26.