Updated Feb. 16, 4:55 p.m.–
Wondering what’s going on with one of the local construction projects in Citrus Heights? Here’s a current list of upcoming and ongoing public projects in the city:
Projects expected to begin in 2015:
Sunrise Boulevard Complete Streets Project (Phase 3): An effort to improve pedestrian safety on Sunrise Boulevard, from Antelope Road to the city border with Roseville. “Project will focus on the west side of Sunrise, and construct sidewalk, curb, and gutter; install access ramps and ADA upgrades and medians at the Twin Oaks intersection; modify the median on Sunrise north of Antelope; install street lights; resurface the entire roadway; and re-stripe traffic and bicycle lanes.” (Source: General Services Department)
Estimated cost: $3,985,416
Estimated timeline: Spring 2015, begin work.
Sunrise Boulevard/Sungarden Drive Signalization Improvement Project: Installation of a new light signal, along with gutter, curb and sidewalk improvements, as well as several bus stops. For more, see story: “City gives ‘green light’ for addt’l $2M stoplight on Sunrise Blvd”.
Estimated cost: $1.3-2.6 million
Estimated timeline: Spring 2015, completion.
Mariposa Avenue at Glenn Avenue Creek Bank Restoration Project: Efforts to prevent further creek-bank erosion alongside Cripple Creek.
Estimated cost: $150,000
Estimated timeline: Spring 2015, begin work.
Baird Way Drainage Improvements: Seeking to increase drain capacity and eliminate repeated “nuisance-ponding,” work will include the installation of new drainage inlets and pipes.
Estimated cost: $300,000
Estimated timeline: Spring 2015, begin work.
Parkoaks Creek Bank Restoration Project: Efforts to prevent further creek-bank erosion alongside Brooktree Creek.
Estimated cost: $500,000
Estimated timeline: Spring 2015, begin work.
Twin Oaks/Mariposa Avenue Drainage Improvements Project: Project will add drainage pipes and improve drainage ditches to increase drainage capacity and reduce risk of flooding.
Estimated cost: $850,000
Estimated timeline: Fall, 2014. (Update: work had not begun as of early December, according to GSD)
Canyon Oaks Drive Overland Release: To address potential street flooding and increase property flood protection, work will include new drainage pipes and overland release.
Estimated cost: $250,000
Estimated timeline: Fall 2014, begin work.
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Construction nearing completion or recently completed:
Sunrise Boulevard Bus Stop Improvements Project (Phase 2): Project includes two new bus stops along Sunrise Boulevard at Macy Plaza Drive and Uplands Way.
Estimated Cost: $400,000
Estimated timeline: near completion.
2014 Residential Street Resurfacing: Resurfacing on Valeriana Avenue, Dogwood Way, Ecton Road, Haliburton Court, Kanai Avenue, Morningside Way, Gardenvine Avenue and Peppercress Court. Work includes repairing of deteriorated pavement, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, as well as ADA improvements and utility reconstruction.
Estimated cost: $1,200,000
Estimated timeline: December, 2014.
Area 5 Traffic Safety and Walkability Intersection and Median Project: A two-phase project including “construction of mini-traffic circle and bulb outs” at Spicer and Sperry Drives, as well as various islands and curb extensions in the Park Oaks Neighborhood Association (PONA) area.
Estimated Cost: $693,000
Estimated timeline: near completion.
Citrus Heights Green Parking Lot Demonstration and Monitoring Project: This now-complete project included the retrofitting of the Civic Center parking lot to include “low-impact development” features like bio-swales, rain gardens, and pervious pavement – which allows water to run through the pavement into the ground, reducing stormwater runoff.
Estimated cost: $1,200,000
Estimated timeline: Ribbon-cutting held on Oct. 30, 2014.
Old Auburn Road Multi-use Trail: Designed to encourage more walkability in Citrus Heights, the now-complete project added a 4,100-foot trail alongside Old Auburn Road just east of Fair Oaks Boulevard, featuring a wide, fully paved path for bikes, pedestrians and mobility scooters. For more, see story: “Old Auburn Rd boasts new $1.1M roadside trail”.
Estimated cost: $1,100,000
Estimated timeline: Ribbon-cutting held on Oct. 25, 2014.
Wondering about an on-going project not on this list? Contact us and we’ll look into it.
* Unless otherwise noted, source for information, cost and timeline on projects is the City’s General Services Department.
Updated Dec. 30, 4:55 p.m.--
Wondering what's going on with one of the local construction projects in Citrus Heights? Here's a current list of upcoming and ongoing public projects in the city:
Projects expected to begin in 2015:
Sunrise Boulevard Complete Streets Project (Phase 3): An effort to improve pedestrian safety on Sunrise Boulevard, from Antelope Road to the city border with Roseville. "Project will focus on the west side of Sunrise, and construct sidewalk, curb, and gutter; install access ramps and ADA upgrades and medians at the Twin Oaks intersection; modify the median on Sunrise north of Antelope; install street lights; resurface the entire roadway; and re-stripe traffic and bicycle lanes.” (Source: General Services Department)
Estimated cost: $3,985,416
Estimated timeline: Spring 2015, begin work.
Sunrise Boulevard/Sungarden Drive Signalization Improvement Project: Installation of a new light signal, along with gutter, curb and sidewalk improvements, as well as several bus stops...
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