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Letters to the Editor

ARCO, Barghausen Consulting

Letters: ARCO protests, future of Sylvan Corners, Movie Grill?

Latest letters from the community discuss the controversial proposal to build an ARCO gas station and car wash on Sunrise Boulevard, as well as offer more ideas for the now-demolished middle school property at Sylvan Corners. Sylvan Corners…

Sylvan Middle School

More Letters: residents continue discussion about future use of old Sylvan

With all buildings at the old Sylvan Middle School now demolished, latest letters from the community continue discussion about future uses for the site at Sylvan Corners. Comments focus on kid-friendly uses for the property, with a sports…

Sylvan Corners, Citrus Heights

Letters: homeless shelter, cemetery expansion, Citrus Heights dog park?

Latest letters from the community discuss sheltering the homeless, the lack of a fenced off-leash dog park in Citrus Heights, and a suggestion for Sylvan Cemetery to expand onto part of the old Sylvan Middle School property. Sylvan…

Sylvan Middle School, demolition

More letters: ideas abound for future use of old Sylvan school property

Latest letters to the editor address aging commercial areas in Citrus Heights and suggest new uses for the old Sylvan Middle School property currently being demolished. Citrus Heights commercial areas need revitalization to attract shoppers– I think the…

Letters to the Editor

More letters: autism center, ARCO opposition, new WinCo at old Sylvan?

Latest letters-to-the-editor include more comments from readers about potential new uses for the old Sylvan Middle School property and opposition to the proposed new ARCO gas station on Sunrise Boulevard. Old Sylvan would be good spot for new…

Letters to the Editor

Letters: ARCO proposal, plastic bags, new Citrus Heights sports complex?

Latest letters-to-the-editor include comments from readers about potential new uses for the old Sylvan Middle School property, the proposed new ARCO gas station, and confusion over the plastic bag ban. Citrus Heights needs a sports complex, water park–…

Letters to the Editor

Letters: Measure B, crime, roads (Oct. 30, 2016)

This week’s letters include comments from readers on crime in Citrus Heights, local candidates, Measure B, taxes and roads.

Letters to the Editor

Letters: red light cameras, elections, homeless shelters, Henry Tingle

This week’s letters include comments from residents on homeless shelters, Henry Tingle’s retirement as city manager, local elections, and red light cameras in Citrus Heights. Citrus Heights should offer homeless shelter, resources– (RE: Letters, Oct. 2) I would…

Letters to the Editor

Letters: homelessness, elections, crime, safety

The Sentinel recently began accepting letter-to-the-editor submissions to encourage community dialogue and give our readers a chance to make their voice heard on current local issues. Here’s the first batch of letters received from residents, weighing in on…