Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Dumping possessions of homeless people is not the solution
Letter to the Editor: submitted by Margaret Anne Cleek

Letters to the Editor: Fireworks, preschool closure, creek trail
Latest letters from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers include comments regarding fireworks, Arcade Cripple Creek trail, and closure of Citrus Heights Preschool…

Letters to the Editor: city sidewalks, Citrus Heights Preschool, homeless camps
The latest letters from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers include comments regarding city sidewalks, Citrus Heights Preschool, and homelessness encampments…

Citrus Heights Letters: City roads, future hotel parking, feral cats
The latest letters from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers include varying opinions regarding city roads, future hotel parking concerns, and feral cats…

LETTER: Many Citrus Heights streets are ‘borderline third world quality’
By John Taylor, Citrus Heights– So many of our streets fail to have the lanes defined by either striping or the “bumps.” Many streets are borderline third world quality…

LETTER: Can’t we find a better way than weed for tax revenue?
By Lorraine Pendlebury, Citrus Heights– I am against allowing these businesses and the element they might attract and bring to our city…

More Letters: Selling weed in Citrus Heights?
Latest letters from Sentinel readers continue discussion of the potential for allowing retail cannabis stores in Citrus Heights…

LETTER: I’m no fan of Sue Frost, but she’s spot on about ‘going green’
By Laura Belcher, Citrus Heights– I like to preface this response by saying that I’ve never been a fan of Sue Frost and her opinions or policies. However on the matter of going green, I absolutely agree with…

LETTERS: Are red light cameras a good thing in Citrus Heights?
By Ian Garber, Citrus Heights– I don’t feel that the cameras are a deterrent to drivers running red light traffic lights. My observation has been that the cameras catch the roll-through of right turns…

LETTER: Cannabis stores will bring shootings, stabbings, robberies
By Bill Bird, Citrus Heights– Do you want more crime in Citrus Heights? Urge your City Council to support and allow stores that sell marijuana or dope. Your prayers will be answered. These places are crime magnets…

More Letters: Cannabis tax, firefighters, sound walls
Latest letters from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers include comments defending the firefighter fundraiser at Sunrise/Greenback, and sharing various perspectives on sound walls and a potential cannabis tax…

Citrus Heights Letters: firefighters, marijuana, alcohol
Latest letters from Citrus Heights Sentinel readers comment on the city’s reconsideration of its cannabis ordinance as well as criticize firefighters being allowed to collect donations in the streets…