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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: It’s time to address repeat dumping on Sayonara Drive

Letter by Timothy Jackson– I have lived in Citrus Heights over 20 years…

LETTER: How about enforcing existing laws before passing new ones?

By Mark Mitchell, Citrus Heights– The city just came up with another ordinance, not allowing semi tractor trailers to park on public streets. Good job, that’s great, but…

Citrus Heights police logs. // CH Sentinel

LETTER: Police should resume publishing logs

By Carol Alexander, Citrus Heights– I for one was disappointed that the police stopped posting the logs of what was happening on a daily basis some years ago…

LETTER: City should consider ‘silent fireworks’ show instead

By Kim Davis, Citrus Heights– I’m glad the City of Citrus Heights has approved bringing back the fireworks show. I’m sad because I know the stress it brings to many both people and animals due to the noise…

Citrus Heights Letters: Fireworks, homeless, library

By Barbara L. Babcock, Citrus Heights– My daughter is one of the homeless people that often stays at the Sylvan Library. She has an addiction, which contributes to a mental illness and Multiple Sclerosis which she is not…

LETTERS: ARPA funds weren’t meant for ‘frivolous’ fireworks show

Letter by Roger Klausler– How can the city dare to use $80,000 in ARPA funds to resurrect a frivolous display of smoke and noise that pollutes the air and frightens animals in the guise of “bringing our community…

LETTER: City shouldn’t use ARPA funds for fireworks show

By Linda Sue Arrowwood– I am thoroughly against any funds used for this proposal. The pandemic relief fund or American Rescue Plan funds should be used to support the people and businesses affected by the pandemic and current…

LETTER: Safety upgrades at schools should have happened years ago

By Mark Mitchell– I really have a hard time believing that our schools need more money to upgrade fencing and other aspects of keeping kids safe. It’s 2023, this should have taken place years ago.

Citrus Heights police logs. // CH Sentinel

LETTER: It’s time to bring back police logs in Citrus Heights

By Leon Barrow, Citrus Heights– Now that Citrus Heights is receiving my property tax, I believe they have enough money to get the Police Logs going again…

Citrus Heights Water District

LETTER: Citrus Heights Water District rate increase won’t raise bill by much

Letter by Ray Riehle, Orangevale– [RE: Citrus Heights Water District seeks 20% increase in water usage rates; Nov. 19th] The headline may be potentially misleading, but the customer bill will not increase by 20%. The Usage Charge referred…

LETTER: Tiny homes on Sayonara? No Way

Letter by Jim Olson– I bought my home off of Larwin Drive back in the early 90s and was not told about the issues with the riff-raff on Sayonara Drive at that time. I suffered through a good…

LETTER: 9/11 event at Sylvan Cemetery brought tears to many eyes

I’d like to send out a special thank you to Jim Monteton, the organizer of the 9/11 Memorial event. The short ceremony only lasted about 30 minutes, but in that short period of time, everyone in attendance was…