By Sara Beth Williams—
The city is knee deep in planning the first phase of the Old Auburn Road Complete Streets Project, which is estimated to cost more than $20 million.
During a Sept. 24 Planning Commission meeting, Senior Civil Engineer Daniel Kehrer reported that the city plans to send out bids for the Old Auburn Road Complete Streets Project Phase One in the fall of 2025 and is currently in the beginning stages of right-of-way and utility coordination as they prepare bid documents. An environmental design has already been completed, according to Kehrer.
“We have submitted multiple grant opportunities to both state and federal sources, but have been unsuccessful at this point,” Kehrer said during the meeting, adding that the city is still waiting on the decision for one grant, and that the city continues to pursue necessary funding. The project is estimated to cost $22 to $23 million, according to Kehrer.
Phase one of the complete streets project will extend from Tiara Way to the corner of Garry Oak Drive, and borders two properties, 7828 and 7820 Old Auburn Rd., which were both under consideration for subdivision during the Planning Commission meeting. Phase Two of the project would include sidewalk improvements for the properties, and extend other road improvements from Tiara Way west to Sylvan Corners.
According to the city’s website, the project will include roadway resurfacing, traffic signal upgrades, the addition of street lighting, repairs and upgrades to storm drain infrastructure, and separated bike lanes.
In 2018, the City Council accepted a $190,000 grant from the California Department of Transportation to develop a “complete streets” plan for a 1.8-mile section of the roadway, from Sylvan Corners east to just beyond Fair Oaks Boulevard. The council subsequently awarded a contract to Fehr & Peers to develop the plan.
During a March 26, 2020 City Council meeting, one public commenter who reportedly resided in the vicinity of Old Auburn Road, expressed concern about the lack of notification regarding the proposed project and about the proposed improvements further reducing driving visibility while turning onto Old Auburn Road. Other commenters disagreed with adding separated bike lanes. Councilmembers at the time indicated the city met with local residents regarding the project, including neighborhood associations 7 and 8, to discuss preliminary design concepts.
Following the unanimous approval of the plan in March 2020, which was conceptual at the time of the vote, city staff conducted several public workshops and community meetings in 2023 and 2024. The last scheduled community outreach meeting was held Feb. 1, 2024.
Some short-term improvements have already been completed, and the city obtained a grant in order to complete the Environmental and Design phase for the project.
A start date for Phase One construction has yet to be determined. A timeline for Phase Two has not been released. More about the project can be found on the city’s website.
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The city is knee deep in planning the first phase of the Old Auburn Road Complete Streets Project, which is estimated to cost more than $20 million...
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