By Sara Beth Williams–
Citrus Heights Mayor Jayna Karpinski-Costa issued an apology Thursday following a remark made during Wednesday night’s City Council meeting in reference to a public speaker that was inadvertently picked up by a live microphone.
In an emailed statement to The Sentinel, Karpinski-Costa said in part, “I regret making the comment and I apologize to her, to my fellow council members, and to the community. Public comment is always welcome, and I have always urged people to come to council and express their views on subjects or call our attention to problems, especially if the issues are not addressed by staff… Again, I apologize for any embarrassment this has brought to my fellow council members, our staff, and the community.”
The remark occurred after public comments by an animal rescuer who had come to address the council about 311 Connect and efforts to rescue a stray dog in the Lichen Drive area. When the speaker’s remarks exceeded the standard five-minute time limit given to all public speakers, Karpinski-Costa asked the speaker to “wrap up” her comments twice before the speaker left the podium. Following the speaker’s departure, Karpinski-Costa leaned toward another council member and made a remark, which was unintentionally audible due to the microphone being active.
The whispered comment, difficult to hear in the recording, appears to say, “I’m not putting up with her bullsh*t.” It was picked up by the microphone after the speaker walked away and could be heard on the livestream feed broadcast on YouTube and the city’s website.
The incident drew criticism from residents and community members on social media Wednesday night, some calling the mayor’s interactions with the public speaker and the subsequent overheard comment “unprofessional,” “disrespectful,” and “dismissive.”
Karpinski-Costa explained on Thursday that she had not realized the microphone was still on and that she was “frustrated” at the time due to the speaker exceeding the allotted time limit. She also noted that the issue raised had already been addressed through emails received prior to the council meeting, and was “for all intents and purposes, resolved.”
The mayor also emphasized the availability of office hours for public engagement where residents are able to meet with the mayor or another appointed City Council member. On Mondays, members of the public can visit the mayor between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. in the lobby of Citrus Heights City Hall, located at 6360 Fountain Square Drive.
The public speaker involved in the incident declined to comment to The Sentinel.
Citrus Heights Mayor Jayna Karpinski-Costa issued an apology Thursday following a remark made during...
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