By Sara Beth Williams–
Citrus Heights Police arrested three suspects Monday night after two of the three reportedly stole over $1,000 worth of alcohol from BevMo on Greenback Lane.
Citrus Heights Police responded to reports of the theft of multiple bottles of alcoholic beverages from BevMo at approximately 8:25 p.m. on Jan. 20.
Sgt. Jacob Stadelman with the Citrus Heights Police Department said Tuesday that two male suspects entered the store Monday night, stole multiple bottles of alcohol, and quickly fled in a vehicle waiting outside. Police were able to locate the getaway car shortly after the suspects left the scene. Stadelman said an additional individal was spotted inside the vehicle, along with the two initial suspects.
The suspects refused to stop, resulting in a short police pursuit. The pursuit ended on Denton Way near Sun Hill Drive, but all three individuals exited the vehicle and fled on foot through the neighborhood.
With the help of California Highway Patrol air support, a drone, and a K-9 unit, officers conducted a thorough search of the neighborhood. After over an hour of searching, three suspects were apprehended and taken into custody.
Arrest logs show Kailey Michelle Strain and Michael David Jr. Porter were arrested on charges of burglary and conspiracy to commit a crime. Porter was also charged with resisting, delaying, or obstructing an officer. An arrest log for the third suspect was not listed.
No injuries were reported during the incident.
Citrus Heights Police arrested three suspects Monday night after two of the three reportedly stole over...
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