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The entrance to the Mesa Verde Stadium

Vandals strike new stadium at Mesa Verde High School

Mesa Verde High School’s new stadium was vandalized over last weekend, marking at least the fourth time the stadium has faced vandalism since opening…

San Juan High School

Free meals available to local students during the summer

With the 2023-24 school year ending, both the San Juan Unified School District and the Sacramento Public Library system have released a list of locations that will offer free meals to students throughout the summer.

Citrus Heights Preschool closed

Questions surround sudden closure of Citrus Heights Preschool

A preschool facility that operated for more than 50 years in Citrus Heights appears to have closed its doors…

Mesa Verde Stadium, May 2024

Mesa Verde to host first on-campus graduation ceremony in nearly 20 years

On Friday, Mesa Verde High School will hold its graduation ceremony on campus for the first time in almost 20 years…

Mayor Bret Daniels 2024

Citrus Heights approves ‘liaison’ program to boost police presence at high schools

The Citrus Heights City Council voted unanimously on Thursday to create a school liaison program, which would allow for an existing officer from the Citrus Heights Police Department’s traffic enforcement unit to be formally assigned to each local…

More transitional kindergarten classes to be added to Citrus Heights schools

Two more elementary schools in Citrus Heights will be implementing transitional kindergarten classes in the 2024–25 school year, according to the San Juan Unified School District…

Citrus Heights Police Department vehicle

Citrus Heights council revives discussion of placing officers at local high schools

The Citrus Heights City Council is slated to discuss “School Safety Options” in the next City Council meeting, including the option to fund two full-time school resource officers at Mesa Verde and San Juan High School…

Woodside K-8

What’s going on with the new ‘Innovative School’ at Woodside K-8?

After being selected as the San Juan Unified School District’s new innovative school site in the spring of 2023, Woodside K-8 staff and the Innovative School design team have spent the last year reviewing community feedback and collaborating…

DaeChole Reed-Herbert, 7th grader, Lichen K-8

Citrus Heights 7th grader to receive 2024 ‘Spirit of San Juan Award’

Seventh grade student DeeChole Reed-Herbert from Lichen K-8 in Citrus Heights has been named an honoree in the annual Spirit of San Juan Awards…

San Juan High School

Students can now take free Driver’s Ed courses at San Juan, Mesa Verde high schools

An online Driver’s Education course is now available to Mesa Verde High School and San Juan High School students…

San Juan High School, Citrus Heights

San Juan Unified School District seeks feedback on Facilities Master Plan

By Sara Beth Williams– San Juan Unified is updating their Facilities Master Plan and has invited the community to contribute feedback that will help shape the final plan. At each of nine upcoming community forums, the district plans…

SJUSD drafts new dress code policy, seeks public input

San Juan Unified School District has drafted a proposal for a revised dress code policy for all its schools, including 12 public schools located in Citrus Heights…